New Horizons Theatre Company

Fri 19 Apr – Fri 5 Jul 2024

Drama Space

New Horizons Theatre Company

Fri 19 Apr – Fri 5 Jul 2024

Drama Space

A diverse group of performers photographed on stage in costume. They wear white shorts with colourful ties, and vibrant floral dresses. There are petals scattered across the stage.
pink and purple text against a white background. text reads: guest at artsdepot.

This event has now finished.

New Horizons Theatre Company is an inclusive company which is dedicated to working with young adults aged 17 - 35, providing a creative and innovative working environment.

New Horizons is committed to inspiring and developing artistic and imaginative performers both in mainstream and with learning disabilities.

Workshops will include confidence and trust building, voice, movement and character work. The company’s work plays prominence to devising the classics, producing inspirational work, accessible to all.

Presented by New Horizons Theatre Company

This is not an artsdepot produced class, but is an independent hire. Therefore, some discounts do not apply.

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  • Arts Council Logo
  • John Lyons Charity Logo
  • Pentland Logo
  • London Borough of Barnet Logo