Creative Schools Project – Autumn 2023

Wide shot of the exhibition space, where a futuristic world has been crafted out of cardboard and sustainable materials. Schoolchildren explore the exhibition, all wearing red uniform jumpers. Spiralling cardboard roads are hung from the ceilings with cardboard houses. The image is illuminated with atmospheric lights in blues, reds, yellows and purples.

In Autumn 2023 we’re working with three local schools on an exciting new schools’ project centred around sustainability.

The project is led by GeoTone CIC, an inclusive arts and technology social enterprise. Participants are exploring built environments, animism and mythology’s ability to embody natural spaces while living in an urban environment. The project will culminate in an exhibition in artsdepot’s Apthorp Gallery over the Winter break.

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  • John Lyons Charity Logo
  • Pentland Logo
  • London Borough of Barnet Logo