LSC Jazz Company presents Love is…

Mon 24 – Tue 25 Jun 2024

Pentland Theatre

LSC Jazz Company presents Love is…

Mon 24 – Tue 25 Jun 2024

Pentland Theatre

Against a white background, a female global majority performer is photographed in a dynamic jazz pose. She has both arms extended and one leg kicking in a flexed motion. She has dark curly hair and wears a red, white and black tracksuit.
Purple and pink text on a white background reads guest at artsdepot



Full Price: £18
Concessions: £12.50



Pentland Theatre

Running time

Running time

2 hours (inc interval)

Age suitability

Age suitability

Age Guidance: 12+

Content warnings

Content warnings

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Full Price: £18
Concessions: £12.50



Pentland Theatre

Running time

Running time

2 hours (inc interval)

Age suitability

Age suitability

Age Guidance: 12+

Content warnings

Content warnings

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Full Price: £18
Concessions: £12.50



Pentland Theatre

Running time

Running time

2 hours (inc interval)

Age suitability

Age suitability

Age Guidance: 12+

Content warnings

Content warnings

Show information



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Get ready to raise the roof with LSC Jazz Co

Prepare to be dazzled as we unveil a whole new body of work crafted by leading choreographers. Our vibrant program offers a kaleidoscope of dance styles, ranging from the sensual and lyrical movements of contemporary jazz to the electrifying beats of modern street dance and the rhythmic complexities of tap.

Join us as we journey through a world where every step tells a story and every movement pulses with energy and passion. Feel the music come alive as our dancers captivate you with their skill, creativity, and infectious enthusiasm.

Presented by London Studio Centre

This event is not part of artsdepot’s programme but is an independent hire. Therefore, some discounts do not apply.

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