Meryl O’Rourke

Meryl O'Rourke leaning on a table with her head on her hands.

Meryl O'Rourke is primarily a professional stand-up comic and TV gag writer, with a drama school background and an expensive theatre habit.

She won the Betty and Peter Sitcom writing prize in 2016 and was chosen to be a Young Vic Neighbourhood Voice 2022 where she began work on her first play.

Thrown By Giants, a play based on Meryl’s mother’s experiences in the Isle Of Man camp for enemy aliens, where a panicked British war cabinet placed 10% of the Jewish refugees. This little-known scheme, with its paradoxical prison of seaside bed and breakfasts and Kafkaesque trials of bicycle owning refugees, has proved a creative volcano and Meryl is looking forward to crafting it into a compelling piece of theatre.

This residency is supported in collaboration with Tsitsit Fringe Festival

Find Meryl O’Rourke online:

Twitter: @MerylORourke
Instagram: @MerylORourke

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