
A group of performers on a stage covered in white plastic sheeting, they wear white boiler suits tied at the waist. One wears a sling and a party hat, the others are dancing energetically.

ClusterFlux Collective, is a London-based theatre company formed of local and international graduates of the MA in Advanced Theatre Practice from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama (2021).

They are dedicated to producing work that is as experimental as it is accessible. The company’s practice uses processes of re-describing; examining an idea through as many lenses and forms as possible. Weaving together the personal and the political, the infinite and the intimate, they use live sound production, physical choreographies, song and original text to ask how live performance can be used to create a transcendent environment that examines our contemporary context.

During their residency, the company was working on ClusterFlux Presents (a well-made play):
ClusterFlux is sick of getting distracted. We want to be productive, proactive, put our heads down and get on with it. So, we have decided to devote ourselves to making a well-made play; not just any well-made play, THE well-made play. Something completely by the book with no distractions, a beginning, middle and an end; everything just as it should be. Somehow though, as we build the kitchen sink, set the dining room table and dim the lights just right, things begin to unravel. Expect magic tricks, glitter suits, confetti canons and the most unoriginal show ever seen.

Find Clusterflux online:
Instagram: @clusterflux
Twitter: @flux_cluster

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  • Arts Council Logo
  • John Lyons Charity Logo
  • Pentland Logo
  • London Borough of Barnet Logo